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 Aim and Scope

The electronic scientific journal Legal Bulletin provides specialists in the field of state law, civil law, and criminal law branches of law with the opportunity to publish their scientific papers. 

 The mission of the journal is to inform readers about research in the field of legal science; to publish high-quality articles on the development of Russian and foreign legislation; to carry out professional communications of the legal community, whose members specialize in the field of legal science and law enforcement practice; to support the initiatives of young scientists, specialists, graduate students and students in the field of state legislative policy.


The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. 

The journal publishes research on the following scientific specialties: 

5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal)
5.1.2. Public law (State law) sciences (legal)
5.1.3. Private law (civil law) sciences (law)
5.1.4. Criminal Law sciences (legal)
5.1.5. International law sciences (legal)


Materials corresponding to the journal's specialization are accepted.: 

the history and current state of Russian and foreign legislation; law enforcement practice; legislative and other proposals aimed at improving various branches of law, existing legal institutions in Russia and foreign countries; methodological, theoretical and historical aspects that reveal the essence of public law, private law, criminal law and international legal phenomena, legal institutions are studied Russia and foreign countries. 

The editorial board of the journal is guided in its activities by the principles of science, objectivity, professionalism, information support for the most significant legal research, and compliance with the norms of publishing ethics. 

The editorial board is not responsible for the accuracy of the factual materials provided in the authors' articles and the correctness of the citation. 

The decision to publish or reject materials submitted to the journal is made by the editorial board in accordance with the regulations on peer review. 

The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes to incoming materials, to shorten them, to reject thematically inappropriate or not properly designed manuscripts, while following the rules of editorial ethics. 

The manuscripts rejected by the editorial board are not reviewed and are not returned. 

By submitting an article to the editorial board, the author expresses his agreement with the terms of the license agreement to publish the article in the electronic scientific journal "Legal Bulletin", post it on the journal's website on the Internet, transfer the text of the article to third parties (the provision of data to which is mandatory) in order to ensure the citation of the publication and increase the citation index of the author and the magazine. 

The point of view of the authors of the publications does not necessarily coincide with the position of the editorial board. The authors of the articles bear full responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided, citations, references and references. 

Reprinting of materials published in the journal is not allowed without the written permission of the editorial board. 

Articles for publication in the journal are accepted by e-mail to: glavred@legalbulletin.ru . The editors must confirm receipt of the manuscripts. If the notification is not received within seven days, please duplicate the submission of the materials. The submitted material is registered with the editorial office, indicating the date of receipt, full name of the author /authors, place of work, contacts for interaction, and the name of the material. 

The editorial board is ready to cooperate with authors whose materials contain the results of independent scientific research, the subject of which is in the range of our publication.

Plagiarism detection

The submitted materials should not have been published earlier in other publications. Legal Bulletin uses native russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions.


Rules and Requirements


License terms






Article Processing Charges