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Editorial office  

Chief Editor - AFANASEV Ilia V., Ph.D. Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor the Department of Economic Activities Legal Regulation at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Bar Association member.


Editorial board:

ABDULLIN Adele I., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of Department of International and European Law Federal State Autonomous educational institution "Kazan (Volga region) University".

Albov Alexej P., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor of Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Russian Customs Academy.

Bukalerova Lyudmila A., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Criminal Law Department, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics "RUDN University".

Ivannikov Ivan A., Doctor of Law, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Sochi Institute (branch) of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Ilyushina Marina N., Doctor of Laws, Professor, Head of the Civil and Entrepreneurial Law Department of All-Russia State University of Justice (RPА Ministry of Justice of Russia).

Kamyshanskij Vladimir P., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of Civil Law Department, the Kuban State Agrarian University I.T. Trubilin.

KOLESNIKOV Yuriy A., Full Doctor in Law, Head of the Department, Department of Financial Law, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation. 

Kulakov Vladimir V., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences member, Rector of the Russian State University of Justice. 

LAPSHIN Valery F., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research , Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of the Ugra State University.

Obrazhiev Konstantin V., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Criminal Law Disciplines Department of the University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, Senior Counselor of Justice.

Pavlikov Sergey G., Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Pikurov Nikolaj I., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.

Russkevich Evgeny A., Full Doctor in Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 

Ruchkina Gulnara F., Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. 

Svirin Yurij A., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Vice-President of the Russian Bar and Notaries Academy, Vice-President of the Russian Lawyers Guild, The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences member, Honorary Lawyer of Russia, Chairman of the Commission for the Lawyers Protection.

Serebrennikova Anna V., LL.D., Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Law Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU).

Slesarev Vladimir L., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Contract Law of The Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S. S. Alekseev.

Sojfer Tatiyana V., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of Civil Law Department, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). 

Sushkova Yulia N., Doctor of Sciences (History), Associate professor, Dean of the Law Faculty, head of Department of International and European Law, N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Tuzhilova-Ordanskaya Elena M., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Civil Law Department, Institute of Law, Bashkir State University. 

Hatuncev Oleg A., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Rector of the Autonomous Non-Profit Educational Organization Continuing Professional Education "Moscow Institute of International Business (TURO)".

Shagieva Rozalina V., Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). 

Editorial panel:

Afanasev Maksim V., PhD (Law), senior inspector of the organizational and methodological department the Office for the Execution Sentences not related to isolation convicts from society, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Vasiljeva Oksana N., Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor of the Economic Activities Legal Regulation Department, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Dembickij Aleksej A., Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Legal and Customs Regulation on Transport, Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI).

Ostroushko Aleksandr V., Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Activities Legal Regulation, The Russian Federation Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Usacheva Elena A., Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Civil Law Disciplines Department, Central Branch the Russian State University of Justice.