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Vol  3 - No 1-2 (2018)

Afanasev Ilia Vladimirovich

  • About the international scientific-practical conference «Legal regulation of migration processes in Russia and France. Security Aspect» 


Adinaev Simon Iosilevich

  • EU international standards in the field of criminal liability for the misuse of insider information and market manipulation 

The article is devoted to the protection of market manipulation and the misuse of insider information. through the prism of EU standards in the field of criminal responsibility for these crimes. The author in his work analyzes in detail the characteristics of the elements of crimes.

Keywords: market manipulation, insider information, responsibility, EU.


Bukalerova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Yastrebov Oleg Aleksandrovich

  • Anti-corruption in the education system 

Corruption in education in Russia entails other significant problems: the deterioration of the quality of knowledge; reduced access to affordable and free education; deformation of legal consciousness and the formation of legal nihilism in students. The article deals with legislative and law enforcement measures against corruption in education.

Keywords: corruption, education, counteraction, law, public control, RUDN.


Vasilenko Alexandra Sergeevna

  • Measures to ensure criminal justice in the criminal process of the Kyrgyz Republic 

In the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, instead of measures of procedural coercion, measures to ensure criminal proceedings are enshrined. The article is devoted to the study of these measures. The article discusses the grounds and general conditions of detention; types of preventive measures, terms, conditions and application of the grounds for detention; other measures to ensure criminal proceedings.

Keywords: criminal procedure, security measures, imprisonment, prohibition of approach.


Druzhinin Stanislav Vladimirovich

  • Problems of establishing and choosing punishment for crimes committed in the sphere of economic activity 

Comparative, retrospective and other types of legal analysis allow us to conclude that the social danger contained in economic crimes is clearly undervalued. The paper presents proposals for the improvement of the criminal legislation of Russia and the practice of its application in terms of the choice of criminal liability measures commensurate with the harmfulness of a crime in the sphere of economic activity.

Keywords: public danger, criminal punishment, crime in the sphere of economic activity, sanction of the criminal law norm.


Klebanov Lev Romanobich

Trefilova Violetta Vladimirovna

  • Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on countering international terrorism 

The article deals with the issue of criminal liability of legal entities in the Russian legislation. Analyzed the poison points of view. Relevant conclusions are made.

Keywords: criminal liability, legal persons, criminal law, criminal prosecution.


Kutuev Adam Ruslanovich

  • French experience in countering the organization, distribution and use of substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports 39

The article is devoted to foreign experience in dealing with the inhibition, distribution and use of substances and (or) methods that are prohibited for use in sports as exemplified by France. The relevance of the topic under consideration is due to the fact that in recent years the problem of doping in sport has reached a completely new level. Recently, more than 200 Russian athletes have been disqualified for using banned drugs and methods in sports. As a result, accusations were sent to Russia for state support of the doping system. One of the main measures that will allow Russia to prove its commitment to «pure sport» should be to establish criminal responsibility for the commission of certain actions related to the incitement, distribution and use of substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports. Research into the problems of countering doping with criminal law means in order to model the development of Russian criminal legislation in the field of countering the organization, distribution and use of substances and / or methods prohibited for use in sports would be incomplete without studying foreign experience in this field. In this regard, the experience of the French legislation to counter the organization, distribution and use of substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports is considered.

Keywords: criminal liability, administrative responsibility, doping, French law, administrative punishment, sports code of France, the use of substances, storage of substances, the acquisition of substances.


Lapshin Valery Fedorovich

  • On the appropriateness of using in the normes on malfeasance of institutions of administrative legislation 

This work is an assessment of the feasibility of introducing into the criminal law the category of criminal misconduct, which is a description of legally significant indications of an act that does not have the high public danger characteristic of a crime. Based on the analysis of the proposals made in the scientific literature, as well as the existing practice of criminal lawmaking in some CIS countries, a conclusion is formulated about the inexpediency of differentiating criminal responsibility in this part, including the modernization of the composition of official (corruption) crimes.

Keywords: crime, public danger, criminal offense, category of crime, differentiation of criminal responsibility, corruption.


Marksthis Marius Yokubovich

  • The special criminological measures to counter illicit arms trafficking 

The needs of legal regulation of social relations in the field of arms trafficking, taking into account the diversity of their forms and differences in the status of persons involved in such a turnover, determine the need for special criminological measures to counteract illicit arms trafficking. This activity should be considered as a multi-level, multi-subject, multi-purpose system of coordinated measures, which is aimed not only at preventing and uncovering crimes in the sphere of illicit arms trafficking, but also at neutralizing and eliminating the various factors that cause their commission.

Keywords: weapons, trafficking, licensing, crime, counteraction.


Ostroushko Alexander Vladimirovich

Bukalerov Alexander Aleksandrovich

Bukalerov Sergey Aleksandrovich

  • Protection of information security of minors in the PRC 

Protecting the rights of minors on the Internet is one of the priority tasks of China’s network lawmaking. China’s cybersecurity law system includes rules for online protection of minors. At the same time, state structures responsible for cyber security are being improved, online trust and cyber security management systems are being created. The article is devoted to studying the Chinese experience and making recommendations on the implementation of positive foreign experience in order to improve the system of information security for minors in Russia

Keywords: information security, minors, China, Russia, implementation.


Reshetnikov Alexander Yuryevich

  • Encroachment on the life of a state or public figure as sui generis of unfinished offence 

The article presents the criminal-law characteristic of the crime-encroachment on the life of a state or public figure; shows the problems of qualification and the content of the scientific discussion regarding the characteristics of this corpus delicti. It is argued that the analyzed crime is by its nature a terrorist one. It expalin the idea that a heightened degree of social danger predetermined the approach of the legislator to describe the uncompleted offence as a completed crime.

Keywords: encroachment, attempt, public danger, terrorist crime, national security.


Khomich Oleg Valentinovich

  • Subjective side of money laundering 

The author examines in detail the signs of the subjective side of money laundering in accordance with the current Russian criminal law. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of committing this crime with an imprudent form of guilt. Foreign legislation and international acts are analyzed.

Keywords: money laundering, guilt, negligence, intent.


Shimshilova Elmira Suleimanovna

  • The necessity of improvement of criminal legislation on liability for crimes of corruption committed in commercial organizations 

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of improving the criminal legislation on liability for corruption-related crimes committed in commercial organizations on the basis of a number of works on this problem. The paper analyzes the proposals of the authors of scientific works, experts in the field of study, on amendments to the relevant articles of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: criminal legislation, corruption orientation, commercial bribery, abuse of authority.